April 29, 2018


Pastor: Gary Marburger Series: #blessed Scripture: Matthew 5:1–12

Introduction: The word translated blessed means “happy, blissful.” In the sermon on the mount, Jesus uses the word to refer to more than superficial happiness. In this context, blessed refers to a state of spiritual well being and prosperity.

Blessed are the Humble (Matthew 5:3)

  • The humble person realizes they are helpless without Jesus and trusts Him with their life (James 4:7-10)

Blessed are Those who Mourn (Matthew 5:4)

  • Those who learn to mourn over their own sin find the heart of God. An intimate fellowship with God is the foundation of true happiness (Revelation 21:4)

Blessed are the Meek (Matthew 5:5)

  • When one has the spirit of meekness, he has the Spirit of Christ. (Ephesians 4:1-2)

Blessed are the Hungry (Matthew 5:6)

  • Righteousness consists of right behavior which is only accomplished through a close walk with God (II Timothy 2:22)

Blessed are the Merciful (Matthew 5:7)

  • Mercy is having a passion for people in need (Ephesians 2:4-7)

Blessed are the Pure in Heart (Matthew 5:8)

  • The word for pure means to be clean, blameless, unstained from guilt (Psalm 51:10)

Blessed are the Peacemakers (Matthew 5:9)

  • Don’t be a troublemaker, be a peacemaker (I Peter 3:10-11)

Blessed are the Harassed, the Persecuted (Matthew 5:10-12)

  • The way to endure is looking beyond the present pain and hold onto the promises Jesus gives us about our future (II Timothy 3:12)

Application: These attitudes represent an outlook radically different from the world. The world praises pride not humility. 

The world endorses sin. The world is at war with God, while God is seeking to reconcile His enemies and make them His children.  (Matthew 5:16)


other sermons in this series