January 5, 2020

Enraptured By His Word

Pastor: Bryan Glisson Series: Devoted Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:14–17

Series Introduction: Resolution is defined as the formal expression of intention or the act of a determining action;

Why Do Resolutions Fail? (only 8 to 12% are successful)

  1. You are treating a marathon like a sprint
  1. You have goals that are not clear
  1. Too much thinking, not enough doing
  1. You are in too much of a hurry
  1. You don’t track your progress
  1. You have no social support
  1. You know your what but not your why

            --why do you want to change?

            --why have you not changes before?

            --why do you fail?

while transformation is defined as the state or process of being transformed creating a change in nature and character. According to God’s Word the work of the Holy Spirit is best described as transformation—not resolution.

“Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture (conformed to the world) that you fit into it without even thinking.  (going through the motions) Instead, fix your attention on God. (be intentional) You’ll be changed from the inside out. (transformation) Readily recognize what He wants from you, and quickly respond to it.  (from His Word) Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.”  (Romans 12:2—The Message)

It is also important to understand that Biblical transformation is devoted to a relationship with God provided by Jesus.

Introduction: For the believer in Christ, transformation cannot happen apart from being enraptured (delighted beyond measure) by God’s Word.

His Word Provides Instruction for Salvation  

  • The Acquiring Text (2 Timothy 3:14a)
  • The Convincing Text (2 Timothy 3:14b)
  • The Tutoring Text (2 Timothy 3:14c-15a)
  • The Saving Text (2 Timothy 3:15a)

His Word Provides Instruction that is Definitive

  • The Inspired Text (2 Timothy 3:16a)
  • The Proven Text (2 Timothy 3:16b)

His Word Provides Instruction for Sanctification

  • The Teaching (Doctrine) Text (2 Timothy 3:16c)
  • The Reproving (Convicting) Text (2 Timothy 3:16d)
  • The Correcting (Repairing) Text (2 Timothy 3:16e)
  • The Instructing (Training) Text (2 Timothy 3:16f)
  • The Enabling (Equipping) Text (2 Timothy 3:17)

Application: If you desire to be transformed by your devotion to God you must realize that is begins with a relationship provided by Jesus and continues by being enraptured with His Word. Are these thoughts present in your life going into 2020?