February 16, 2020

Identified Through Giving

Pastor: Bryan Glisson Series: Devoted Scripture: Matthew 6:19–24

Culture Value: Generosity Is Common

We are the recipients of the greatest gift the world has ever known, the gift of Jesus Christ that brings about life, grace, mercy and freedom; at no cost to us- yet at the highest cost to Him. Because we have been freely given all of this, our only right response is to freely give. Therefore giving out of obligation is the wrong response and unbiblical. Giving is a part of our worship. Our response is not to calculate how little we can return to Him but to realize that we are mere managers of all that He has entrusted us. Generosity is not about our wealth as much as it is about our hearts and our confidence in God.

Introduction: The Christian Life should be identified as a life of giving; however this is not the case for many. For many it is because they are in financial bondage and do not understand the role finances play in their spiritual lives. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus clearly outlined what it means to live Kingdom Principles--covering almost every area of life including finances.

“The Sermon on the Mount is not some unattainable goal; it is a statement of what will happen in a person when Jesus Christ has changed their nature by putting His own nature in them.”                                                           --Oswald Chambers


(Ephesians 4:21-24)

Transformation Equation:  Put Off—Renew Mind—Put On

A Contrast:  About Two Kinds of Riches

  • Earthly Riches Are

           --not the best investment  (Matthew 6:19a)

           --corruptible  (Matthew 6:19b)

           --not secure  (Matthew 6:19c) (1 Timothy 6:7)

  • Heavenly Riches Are

            --the best investment  (Matthew6:20a)  (Luke 12:15)

            --incorruptible  (Matthew 6:20b)  (1 Peter 1:3-4)

            --secure  (Matthew 6:20c)

Bottom Line:  When it comes to riches, God desires that a person’s heart be aligned with His own.  (Matthew 6:21)

A Warning:  About Two Kinds of Hearts

  • A Good Heart is Like a Good Eye (Matthew 6:22)

            --not deceived

            --focuses on the heavenly

  • A Bad Heart is Like a Bad Eye (Matthew 6:23)


            --focuses on the earthly

A Choice:  About Two Kinds of Masters  (Matthew 6:24)

  • Serving Money Brings Bondage

           Symptoms of Bondage:

              --investment worries—storing up

              --overdue bills—spending out

              --“Get-Rich-Quick” attitude

              --no gainful employment  (2 Thessalonians 3:10)



              --money entanglements

              --unmet family needs  (1 Timothy 5:8)

              --unmet Church needs  (Malachi 3:10)

  • Serving God Brings Blessings

              --all the necessities of life

              --freedom from anxiety

              --joy & contentment

              --abundant & eternal Life

Application: The Process Of Financial Freedom:

  1. Daily surrender to God every financial decision, no matter how large or small. (Lordship)
  1. Accept God’s wisdom for every decision.
  1. Give the minimum testimony to God of His ownership. (a tithe)
  1. Willingly seek to share with others, even if it requires a sacrifice to do so. (sacrificial-living)