Blurred Vision
Pastor: Bryan Glisson Series: Seeing Beyond 2020 Scripture: 1 Kings 19:1–18
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Message Points
“Blurred Vision”
1 Kings 19:1-18
Introduction: From the pages of God’s Word, we discover that we are called to not only live a life of faith and courage; but also a life of direction and purpose which in turn will provide us a life of satisfaction and fulfillment. However there are times when we lose focus due to the stressors of life. It is then that our vision becomes blurred with anxiety as seen in the life of the prophet, Elijah.
What Is Anxiety?
- A painful uneasiness due to an impending or perceived fear (1 Kings 19:1-3)
- Mental, emotional, and spiritual strangulation (1 Kings 19:4)
What Are the Effects of Anxiety?
- It siphons our energy and joy, making us irrational rather than enlightened (1 Kings 19:10a)
- It twists our worries around our heart, destroying peace (1 Kings 19:10b)
- It chokes our ability to discern what is true (1 Kings 19:10c)
- It highlights our fears and strangles our faith (1 Kings 19:10d)
How Does Anxiety Manifest Itself In Our Lives?
- We become confused
- We become distracted
- We become overwhelmed
- We become desperate
- We become angered (cynical)
How Does God Deal With Our Anxiety?
- He met his basic needs and sustained him through his difficulty (1 Kings 19:5-9)
- He showed him who was truly in control (1 Kings 19:11-12a)
- He dealt with him tenderly (1 Kings 19:12b-13a)
- He allowed him to express himself (1 Kings 19:13b-14)
- He put him back to work (1 Kings 19:15-16a)
- He put someone in his life (1 Kings 19:16b-17)
- He fact-checked him (reality tested his perceptions) (1 Kings 19:18)
Application: These days require us to live by faith purposely, courageously, and directionally while overcoming the tenets that create anxiety.
On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being well-adjusted), how well are your dealing with the stressors that lead to your anxiety?
What will it take to move you toward the life God intends for you?
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Charity Johnson
Madison Johnson
Matt Johnson
McKayla Johnson
Patrick Lutz
Melia Lutz
Evie Murphy
Carli Parks
Will Parks
Matthew Smith
Tina Smith
Watchcare Members:
Corbin Dion
Trevor Wyatt
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Wednesday 5:30-7:45pm. A Worship Gathering just for middle and high school students. Cafe/Games/Worship/Teaching
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Please continue to social distance. Wear a mask as you approach the building. Once you are dismissed, and arrive back at your vehicle you may remove your mask. If you or anyone in your home is exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms or awaiting COVID-19 test results, please do not come onto our campus.
other sermons in this series
Jan 24
Jan 17
Myopia (Short-sightedness, Lack of Foresight)
Pastor: Bryan Glisson Scripture: Genesis 24:1–67 Series: Seeing Beyond 2020
Jan 10
Hyperopia - Difficulty Close-Up
Pastor: Bryan Glisson Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:10– 4:2 Series: Seeing Beyond 2020