His Calling
Pastor: Bryan Glisson Series: Behind the Music Scripture: 1 Samuel 16:1, 1 Samuel 16:6–13
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Message Points
"His Calling”
1 Samuel 16:1; 6-13
Introduction: Have you ever thought about the man behind most of the Psalms? David the shepherd boy who became king expressed his heart toward God through songs that have comforted many throughout the ages.
He was a man who reached the highest of heights and the lowest of lows proving that everyone is capable of rising to accomplish the greatest of feats and falling into the worst of sins; yet he was called by a New Testament writer “a man after God’s own heart.” Yet he was almost overlooked—even by his family.
The Music: (Psalm 139:13-16)
How Does God Include Us In His Plans?
His Choices are Sovereign (Revelation 4:8-11)
- Involves Sovereign Providence (1 Samuel 16:1a)
- Involves Sovereign Planning (1 Samuel 16:1b)
- Involves Sovereign Power (1 Samuel 16:1c)
***Lessons from God’s Sovereignty:
--there are no accidents in life
--God is able to bring his plans to pass
--it extends to every area of life (Romans 8:28)
His Choices are Surprising
- Surprising in its Rejections (1 Samuel 16:6; 8-10)
- Surprising in its Requirements (1 Samuel 16:7)
- Surprising in its Receptions (1 Samuel 16:11-13)
His Choices are Specific
- Those who are Reliable (1 Samuel 16:11)
- Those who are Ready (1 Samuel 16:12)
- Those who are Redeemed (1 Samuel 16:13)
Application: God continues to call out those He can use to advance His Kingdom—even those who are overlooked by many. Are you willing to be used? There is no greater joy.
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Allan Baker
Annette Baker
Julie Lowery
Stan Lowery
Greg Pering
Jutta Pering
Rhonda Wood
Ron Wood
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July 11-15
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warehouse247 Student Ministry
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Safety Protocols
Please continue to social distance. Wear a mask as you approach the building. Once you are dismissed, and arrive back at your vehicle you may remove your mask. If you or anyone in your home is exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms or awaiting COVID-19 test results, please do not come onto our campus.
other sermons in this series
Jun 6
His Corruption - Part 2
Scripture: Psalm 51:1–3, 2 Samuel 12:1– 18:33 Series: Behind the Music
May 30
His Corruption - Part 1
Pastor: Bryan Glisson Scripture: 2 Samuel 5:1– 18:33 Series: Behind the Music
May 23
His Character
Pastor: Bryan Glisson Scripture: 1 Samuel 18:1–30, 1 Samuel 24:1–22 Series: Behind the Music