May 9, 2021

His Courage

Pastor: Bryan Glisson Series: Behind the Music Scripture: 1 Samuel 17:1–58

We are so glad you joined us this morning. Below you will find everything you need to help assist you with information about our Worship Gathering as well as what's going on within our church throughout the week. We would love to hear from you! If you would like to connect with us, click HERE


Message Points

“His Courage”
1 Samuel 17:1-58 

Introduction: When we face fear, we truly find out who and whose we are. The courage to overcome fear is found in faith—something outside of ourselves—namely God.

Definition of Courage: The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear.


The Music: 

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; 
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life; 
of whom shall I be afraid?

When the wicked came against me
to eat up my flesh,
my enemies and foes,
they stumbled and fell.

Though an army may encamp against me, 
my heart shall not fear;
though war may rise against me,
in this I will be confident.”

“Wait on the Lord;
be of good courage,
and He shall strengthen your heart;
wait, I say, on the Lord!” (Psalm 27:1-3, 14)

What Kind of Person Faces Giants Courageously?

A Common Person

  • An Ordinary Person (1 Samuel 16:6-13)
  • An Obedient Person (1 Samuel 17:17-22) (Psalm 84:10) 

A Consecrated Person

  • Those who are Related to Him (1 Samuel 17:45)
  • Those who are Relying on Him (1 Samuel 17:37,46) (Psalm 18:1-3)

A Committed Person

  • In Spite of the Obstacles (1 Samuel 17:4-11,32) (James 1:2-4)
  • In Spite of the Opposition (1 Samuel 17:27-32) (2 Timothy 3:12)
  • In Spite of the Opportunities (1 Samuel 17:17-26)

A Courageous Person

  • Willing to Accept the Ridicule (1 Samuel 17:28,32-37)
  • Willing to Accept the Risks (1 Samuel 17:38-47)
  • Willing to Accept the Results (1 Samuel 17:48-51)

Application: The only way we can truly defeat the giants in our life is seeing them from God’s perspective.

Humanly speaking, the giant may be more than we can handle but from God’s perspective the giant is just a small insignificant obstacle keeping us from experiencing His best. 

Bottom Line: Through the life of David, we find that God likes to show off through a surrendered life that fully trusts Him.



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Marriage Enrichment

Sundays—9:30am—Beginning May 16
Connect Hall—Room 9

A new Connect Group encouraging couples to stay together and grow together through thick and thin. No Cost - Bring Your Bible

For more info—Jon & Ginger Oriente:


VBS 2021

July 11-15

Join us for an exciting PRESS PLAY 2021 VBS! 

To Register your child(ren) or to sign up to volunteerClick HERE 


Clubhouse Kids Ministry

To view Clubhouse Resources which include: Worship Experiences (Bible Story), Godtime Cards, and Parent Guides: Click HERE


warehouse247 Student Ministry

Wednesday 5:30-7:45pm.  A Worship Gathering just for middle and high school students.  Cafe/Games/Worship/Teaching


Safety Protocols

Please continue to social distance. Wear a mask as you approach the building. Once you are dismissed, and arrive back at your vehicle you may remove your mask.  If you or anyone in your home is exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms or awaiting COVID-19 test results, please do not come onto our campus.

other sermons in this series

Jun 6


His Corruption - Part 2

Scripture: Psalm 51:1–3, 2 Samuel 12:1– 18:33 Series: Behind the Music

May 30


His Corruption - Part 1

Pastor: Bryan Glisson Scripture: 2 Samuel 5:1– 18:33 Series: Behind the Music

May 23


His Character

Pastor: Bryan Glisson Scripture: 1 Samuel 18:1–30, 1 Samuel 24:1–22 Series: Behind the Music