We are so glad you joined us this morning. Below you will find everything you need to help assist you with information about our Worship Gathering as well as what's going on within our church throughout the week. We would love to hear from you! If you would like to connect with us, click HERE
Message Points
Introduction: Psalm 85 is a psalm pleading for revival. Revival is an invasion from Heaven where God once again intervenes in the life and the work of a Church, a person, or a nation. When revival comes a person, a Church, or a nation are saturated with the presence of God.
Reasons Why Revival Is America’s Only Hope:
God’s Past Dealings
- God’s Favor (Psalm 85:1)
- God’s Forgiveness
- of wickedness (Psalm 85:2a)
- of lawlessness (Psalm 85:2b)
- of foolishness (ignorance & indifference) (Psalm 85:8c) - God’s Forbearance (abstaining from enforcement) (Psalm 85:3)
Our Present Dilemma (Psalm 85:4-7)
- An Impoverished Country
- An Invisible Church
- An Inevitable Crisis (2 Chronicles 36:15-16)
God’s Pleasing Disclosure
- He Will Lead Us (Psalm 85:8)
- He Will Rescue Us (Psalm 85:9)
- He Will Be Merciful Towards Us (Psalm 85:10a)
- He Will Bring Peace To Us (Psalm 85:10b)
- He Will Crush Deception For Us (Psalm 85:11)
- He Will Provide For Us (Psalm 85:12)
- He Will Direct Us (Psalm 85:13)
God’s Powerful Demands (2 Chronicles 7:14)
- A People Of Humility
- A People Of Prayer
- A People Who Seek
- A People Who Turn
To view the prayer sheet click: HERE
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One More One Less
PCC is a “Champion Church” directly engaged with vulnerable children and families in Cleveland county. For more information about joining the prayer team, community care team, becoming a Guardian ad Litem, or a licensed foster home, click: HERE
Celebrate Recovery
June 29—6:30pm—Fellowship Hall
Want more details or looking for a ministry opportunity? Join us for an information meeting. For more info contact Gary Marburger: gmarburger@pccshelby.com
VBS 2021
July 11-15
Join us for an exciting PRESS PLAY 2021 VBS!
To Register your child(ren) or to sign up to volunteer: Click HERE
Clubhouse Kids Ministry
To view Clubhouse Resources which include: Worship Experiences (Bible Story), Godtime Cards, and Parent Guides: Click HERE
warehouse247 Student Ministry
Wednesday 5:30-7:45pm. A Worship Gathering just for middle and high school students. Cafe/Games/Worship/Teaching
other sermons in this series
Sep 5
Psalm 139 - Part 3
Pastor: Bryan Glisson Scripture: Psalm 139:13–16, Romans 7:14–24 Series: Summer in the Psalms
Aug 29
Psalm 139 - Part 2
Pastor: Bryan Glisson Scripture: Psalm 139:13–16 Series: Summer in the Psalms
Aug 22
Psalm 139
Pastor: Bryan Glisson Scripture: Psalm 139:13–16 Series: Summer in the Psalms