March 13, 2022

His Miraculous Birth

Pastor: Bryan Glisson Series: Like No Other Scripture: Matthew 1:18–25, John 1:1–5, John 1:14

We are so glad you joined us this morning. Below you will find everything you need to help assist you with information about our Worship Gathering as well as what's going on within our church throughout the week. We would love to hear from you! If you would like to connect with us, click HERE



His Miraculous Birth
Matthew 1:18-25; John 1:1-5, 14

Introduction: Why is the virgin birth so important? Does the virgin birth really matter?  Why was it so important that Jesus be born of a virgin?  Why did Jesus have to become a man?

“For God so loved the world,
that He gave (He sent) His only begotten Son
that whosoever believes in Him would not perish
but have everlasting life.”  (John 3:16)

(Hebrews 2:9)

The Virgin Birth Conceived (Matthew 1:18)

  • Not by Joseph
  • By the Holy Spirit

The Virgin Birth Challenged (Matthew 1:19-20)

  • By Joseph
  • By Science
  • By the Cults
  • By the Church

The Virgin Birth Concluded 

  • Jesus Must Be Man (Matthew 1:21)
  • Jesus Must Be God (John 1:1, 14)

The Virgin Birth Considered 

  • Jesus is the Predicted One (Matthew 1:22-23)
  • Jesus is God in our Presence (John 1:1-5; 14)

The Virgin Birth Constructed 

  • By Obedience (Matthew 1:24-25)
  • By Humility (Luke 1:46-48)
  • By Faith (Matthew 1:24) (Luke 1:38)

Application: Does the virgin birth really matter? Your salvation depends on it. Jesus came for your benefit. How will you respond to His coming?



To Give Online: Click HERE


One More One Less

PCC is a “Champion Church” directly engaged with vulnerable children and families in Cleveland County. To learn more, click: HERE

For more information or to learn more about joining the prayer team, community care team, becoming a Guardian ad Litem or a licensed foster home, call or text PCC Project Leader Chris Gray at 239-304-6434.


Mother Son Game Night

6:00-8:30 pm - March 18th

Moms, come spend an evening with your son(s)! This will be an opportunity to bond over dinner & lots of games! For boys K-5th Grade. $10 per family unit = Mom + son(s)

To Register by 3/16 click: HERE


Welcome New Members

Adam Montgomery
Erin Montgomery
Ashlee Rivera
Daniel Rivera
Fred Wright
James Yarbrough


Pleasant City 101

11:00 am - March 27
Connect Hall—Room 1

Connecting people into the life of our church. Come find out who we are; what we are about; and how YOU can be a part of it!

To learn more, click: HERE


Clubhouse Kids Ministry

To view Clubhouse Resources which include: Worship Experiences (Bible Story), Godtime Cards, and Parent Guides: Click HERE


warehouse247 Student Ministry

Wednesday 5:30-7:45pm.  A Worship Gathering just for middle and high school students.  Cafe/Games/Worship/Teaching