April 2, 2023

The Cross

Pastor: Jonathan Glisson Series: Look No Further Scripture: Matthew 26:1– 27:66

We are so glad you joined us this morning. Below you will find everything you need to help assist you with information about our Worship Gathering as well as what's going on within our church throughout the week. We would love to hear from you! If you would like to connect with us, click HERE



“The Cross”
Matthew 26-27




To Give Online: Click HERE


Easter Sunday

Gatherings—8am, 9:30am & 11am

Join us between Gatherings for
Coffee & Pastries 9-9:30 & 10:30-11

Connect Groups—not meeting

Children's MinistryBirth-Elementary during the 930 & 11 Gatherings


Holiday Schedule

Thursday 4/6:—Office Closed.  If
you need a pastor during this time, call the Crisis Line: 704-349-3000.

Wednesday 4/12:—No Activities


North American Mission Offering
(Annie Armstrong)

The Month of April

Goal:     $10,000

Given so far:   $5,000


Welcome New Members

John Brellenthin
Trina Brellenthin
Keelan Carver
John Hunsinger     
Scott Jenkins
Susan Jenkins
Kellie Zimmer
Jay Zimmer



11:00am—Sundays—Room 1

New men’s Connect Group open to men 18 and older, single or married. Considering what it means to be a man from a Biblical perspective.

For More Information, contact Gary Marburger: gmarburger@pccshelby.com


Sanctus Real & Dia Concert

April 21—7:00pm

Sanctus Real will be live in concert with Pleasant City’s own Dia Viola right here at Pleasant City. You won't want to miss this great night! Tickets on sale now.

For tickets, click: HERE



Prodigal Prayer Group

11:00 am - Today—Room 4

Praying for family members who are away from the Lord.  For more information, contact Gary Marburger: gmarburger@pccshelby.com


Right Now Media

Right Now Media is an extensive, faith-based video library you can access (completely FREE) whenever and wherever you want—on your phone, tablet, computer, or at home on your TV.

To sign up, click: HERE 


Clubhouse Kids Ministry

To view Clubhouse Resources which include: Worship Experiences (Bible Story), Godtime Cards, and Parent Guides: Click HERE


warehouse247 Student Ministry

Wednesday 5:30-7:45pm.  A Worship Gathering just for middle and high school students.  Cafe/Games/Worship/Teaching

other sermons in this series

Apr 9


The Empty Tomb

Pastor: Jonathan Glisson Scripture: Matthew 27:1– 28:20 Series: Look No Further