May 26, 2024


Pastor: Jonathan Glisson Series: Respectable Sins Scripture: 1 Samuel 15:1–23, 1 Chronicles 17:1–14, 1 Chronicles 29:2–14

We are so glad you joined us this morning. Below you will find everything you need to help assist you with information about our Worship Gathering as well as what's going on within our church throughout the week. We would love to hear from you! If you would like to connect with us, click HERE



1 Samuel 15:1-23
1 Chronicles 17:1-14, 1 Chronicles 29:2-14

Introduction: We all have blind spots, character flaws, or certain “Respectable Sins” that seem to go unnoticed in our lives. We can become so Preoccupied with the “major” sins of society that we lose sight of the need to deal with our Own sin.

Saul: A Greedy Person
(1 Samuel 15:1-23)

Greed is…

A False Assumption that it’s all for my Consumption
   All My Time (1 Samuel 13:1-14)
   All My Treasure
   All My Talents

A Inner Rebellion against the Goodness of God

An Outward Arrogance against the Grace of God


Result: God’s Regret that leads to God’s Rejection

David: A Generous Person
(1 Chronicles 17:1-14,
1 Chronicles 29:2-14)

Generosity is…

A True Recognition of the Abundance of Resources You have and the Lack of Resources Others have

A Proactive Connection from your Heart to your Hands

A Worship Declaration that it’s all From God and For God
   All His Time
   All His Treasure
   All His Talents

Result: God’s Love that leads to God’s Legacy

Application: How do you stop your Greed? Give! Generous Hands break Greedy Hearts



To Give Online: Click HERE


Holiday Schedule

Monday 5/27: The Church Office will be closed for Memorial Day.  If you need a pastor during this time, call the Crisis Line at 704-349-3000.


One More One Less Project

PCC is a “Champion Church” directly engaged with vulnerable children and families in Cleveland county.

For any questions about foster care or to learn how to become involved with foster care at PCC, click: HERE

Or email Amy at:


Summer Schedule

For the Clubhouse and warehouse247 Summer Schedules, click: HERE


Serve Shelby

July 22-26

A time for students, parents, and adult volunteers to spend a week doing missions in our own city! Only $120 all expenses paid! 

For more information, click: HERE


Pleasant City 101

11:00 am - Today — Room 1

Connecting people into the life of our church. Come find out who we are; what we are about; and how YOU can be a part of it!

To learn more, click: HERE


VBS: "Start the Party"

July 14-18—9:00am-12:30pm

This week will undoubtedly be your child’s favorite and most impactful week of summer! Registration is open for kids and volunteers!

Cost: Free

To Register, click: HERE


Right Now Media

Right Now Media is an extensive, faith-based video library you can access (completely FREE) whenever and wherever you want—on your phone, tablet, computer, or at home on your TV.

To sign up, click: HERE 


Clubhouse Kids Ministry

To view Clubhouse Resources which include: Worship Experiences (Bible Story), Godtime Cards, and Parent Guides: Click HERE


warehouse247 Student Ministry

Wednesday 5:30-7:45pm.  A Worship Gathering just for middle and high school students.  Cafe/Games/Worship/Teaching

other sermons in this series

May 19



Pastor: Gary Marburger Scripture: Ephesians 4:25–32 Series: Respectable Sins

May 12



Pastor: Jonathan Glisson Scripture: 1 Samuel 18:1– 23:29 Series: Respectable Sins

May 5



Pastor: Jonathan Glisson Scripture: 1 Samuel 13:7–14, 1 Samuel 24:1–10, 1 Samuel 26:7–11 Series: Respectable Sins