September 29, 2024

Receiving and Using Our Gifting

Pastor: Bryan Glisson Series: Momentum Scripture: Romans 12:3–8

We are so glad you joined us this morning. Below you will find everything you need to help assist you with information about our Worship Gathering as well as what's going on within our church throughout the week. We would love to hear from you! If you would like to connect with us, click HERE



Receiving and Using Our Gifting”
Romans 12:3-8 

Definition of Spiritual Momentum: A move of the Holy Spirit in the life of a church family that is awakening to, rallying around, and fulfilling the vision of the Great Commission.

What Goes Into Making Us Who We Are:

Spiritual Gifts

Introduction: The Spiritual Gifts listed in Romans 12 are classified as motivational gifts. God, through the work of the Holy Spirit, has given every follower of Jesus at least one of the seven motivational gifts to carry out the work of the ministry. (1 Peter 4:10)

What Are Spiritual Gifts?  Expressions of God’s grace working through each follower of Jesus unto others within the Body of Christ. (Ephesians 5:23)

Why Would We Not Know What Our Spiritual Gifts Are?

Never Been Saved   
Never Been Taught
Not Being Involved 

Why Do We Have Spiritual Gifts?

To Glorify God
To Minister To Others (Bless & Encourage)

What Are The Seven Motivational Gifts?



The Prophet in the Flesh: (Peter)

Judges and exposes the offender rather than restoring the offender.

Points out the problem rather than seeing the solutions to the problems.

Cuts off a person who has failed.

Dwells on the negative rather than the positive.

Lacks cautiousness and tactfulness in expressing opinions.

Not discerning about the timing of sharing what they know.


The Servant in the Flesh: (Martha)

Neglects home responsibilities in order to help others.

Accepts too many jobs at one time.

Works to the point of exhaustion.

Persists in giving unsolicited help.

Excludes others who desire to help; will not delegate.

Interferes with God’s plan of bringing discipline in a person’s life.

Becomes discouraged and hurt by the ungratefulness of those they serve.

Gets side-tracked from things that are best.


The Teacher in the Flesh:

Develops pride in their intellectual ability. 

Tends to be slow in accepting viewpoints of others.

Tends to be skeptical of other teachers.

Relies on human wisdom rather than the Holy Spirit’s direction. 

Bores others with more information

than others want to know.

Retreats into their own world of study; while excluding relationship.

Puts information ahead of ministering.


The Exhorter in the Flesh: (Paul)

Takes family time to counsel others.

Treats family and friends as projects rather than persons.

Uses personal illustrations without permission.

Jumps into new projects without finishing existing projects.

Encourages others to depend on them rather than God.

Encourages outward change without inward change.

Gives counsel without realizing the true problem.

Uses Scripture out of context to make or prove a point.


The Giver in the Flesh: (Matthew)

Gives too sparingly to own family.

Causes family to resent gifts given to others.

Listens to unscriptural counsel on money management.

Puts excessive pressure on others who have less to give.

Fails to discern God’s prompting to give.

Judges others who misuse funds rather than advising them.

Desires to control others and ministries who receive their gift.

Corrupts others by giving too much.

Freely gives money but not time


The Administrator in the Flesh: (Nehemiah)

Views people as human resources rather than human beings.

Uses people to accomplish personal goals & ambitions.

Shows favoritism to those who show loyalty.

Takes charge of projects that are not God’s direction.

Delegates too much work to others.

Overlooks serious character faults in valuable workers.

Overlooks other’s opinions to complete the project or goal.

Fails to give proper explanation and praise to workers.


The Merciful in the Flesh: (John)

Tends to be indecisive.

Bases decisions on emotion rather than principle.

Writes off people who are not sensitive to others.

Tends to interfere with God’s plan by attempting to remove suffering or distress.

Empathizes too much with the suffering of others.

Tends to be easily hurt.


How Do These Gifts Make Up The Body?

Prophet—the eyes

Servant—the hands

Teacher—the mind

Exhorter—the mouth

Giver—the arms

Administrator—the legs

Mercy—the heart


How Can We Discover Our Spiritual Gifts?

By Breaking Sin’s Power   

By Walking In The Spirit (surrender)

By Focusing On Others

By Discerning Your Motives

By Examining Your Irritations

By Discovering Your Characteristics

Application: It is impossible for a follower of Jesus to live a fulfilling, victorious life apart from discovering and using their spiritual gift(s).



To Give Online: Click HERE


Pleasant City Church's 75th Anniversary

We will be celebrating our church’s 75th anniversary, through October. 

October 6: Former Youth Pastor Mike Morris will speak.


Election Conversation

October 2—Worship Center—6:30pm

A conversation on our country and the upcoming election with Bryan Glisson.


Mission Guatemala 2025

January 19-24

Join us as we partner with Chispas of Change and New Hope Global (A ministry of Element Church).

Interest Meeting:
   Wed, 10/9 @ 5:30pm—Room 6

Trip Cost: $1400
   10/13 — $200 Deposit Due

More Info:


Senior Adults

October 8th—6:00pm—Legacy Suite

Join us for dinner, fellowship, and to learn more about Daniel Rice and His Branches Ministry!


Welcome New Members

Isaac Hamrick                
Robin Hamrick
Trevor Hamrick
Hillary Jones                    
Jonathan Jones
Brian Koehn
Lisa Koehn
Allison Ledford
J.D. Ledford


Men of the Word

Begins October 7—6:30pm—Room 1

An 8-week Monday evening class for men of all ages.

Studying: End Times: Discovering What the Bible Says.  Book Cost: $7

For more information, click: HERE


Parent Child Dedication

Child Dedication Class: 11am Nov 3

Child Dedication November 10 in both Gatherings

to register by 10/27, click: HERE


Men's Breakfast

7:30am—October 5th—Shelby Mission Camp

Calling all men of Pleasant City Church! Join us for a time of fellowship, food, & encouragement! This is a great opportunity to connect with other men, build relationships, and be strengthened in your faith. Come hungry and ready to be inspired!

To register, click: HERE



I'm a Christian Now Class

Begins: October 6

A 5-week class for kids 1st - 5th grade who have made a profession of faith.  We recommend your child complete this class before baptism.  Parents are asked to
attend the first class with their child. 

To Register by 10/2, click: HERE



Nov 24th—9:30 & 11:00 Gatherings

If you are interested in Baptism, to register by Wednesday, 11/20, click: HERE


Right Now Media

Right Now Media is an extensive, faith-based video library you can access (completely FREE) whenever and wherever you want—on your phone, tablet, computer, or at home on your TV.

To sign up, click: HERE 


Clubhouse Kids Ministry

To view Clubhouse Resources which include: Worship Experiences (Bible Story), Godtime Cards, and Parent Guides: Click HERE


warehouse247 Student Ministry

Wednesday 5:30-7:45pm.  A Worship Gathering just for middle and high school students.  Cafe/Games/Worship/Teaching

other sermons in this series

Oct 27


Responding To The Vision Before Us

Pastor: Bryan Glisson Scripture: Ephesians 2:19–22, Ephesians 4:4–6, Ephesians 4:15–16 Series: Momentum

Sep 22


The Potential of Generosity

Pastor: Bryan Glisson Scripture: Matthew 6:19–33 Series: Momentum