November 17, 2024

A Follower of Jesus and a Fisher of Men

Pastor: Jonathan Glisson Series: i Identify as... Scripture: Luke 5:1–11, John 21:1–21

We are so glad you joined us this morning. Below you will find everything you need to help assist you with information about our Worship Gathering as well as what's going on within our church throughout the week. We would love to hear from you! If you would like to connect with us, click HERE



...a Follower of Jesus and a Fisher of Men”
Luke 5:1-11 & John 21:1-21

Introduction: There are three statements that relate to our identity:
- Who you Are identifies What you Do
- What you Do identifies Who you Are
- Whose you Are identifies Who you Are and What you Do

Being a Follower of Jesus…
   Starts with an Invitation for Faith (Luke 5:1-5)
   Stirs Up Our Belief and Repentance (Luke 5:6-8)
   Surrenders Our Old Plans for a New Purpose (Luke 5:9-10)
   Shuns Our Part-time and Half-Hearted Devotion (Luke 5:11)

Every Follower of Jesus is Called to be a Fisher of Men

Being a Fisher of Men…
   Sees Our Role of Obedience and God’s Role of Calling (John 21:1-6)
   Sets Our Gaze on the Presence and Power of God (John 21:7)
   Shepherds Souls for the Kingdom of God (John 21:8-21)

Application: We Grow to Become Followers of Jesus and We Give Our Lives to Make Followers of Jesus.



To Give Online: Click HERE



OCC Shoeboxes

Collection Deadline: Today!
We are spreading Good News and Great Joy to children around the world this Christmas! 
If you missed packing a box, pack one online!  Click: HERE



College Age Conferences

We have two opportunities for college age students to bring in the New Year growing closer to God through worship & studying His word.

Passion Conference
Jan 2-4 - 12th GradeCollege Age
Atlanta, GA—$280.  5 spots available
For more information or to register, click: HERE

Cross Con Conference
Jan 2-4—College Age
Louisville, KY—$310
For more information or to register, click: HERE


Holiday Schedule

Wednesday 11/27: No Activities

Wednesday & Thursday 11/27 & 11/28: The Church Office will be closed for Thanksgiving.  If you need a pastor during this time, please call the Crisis Line at 704-349-3000.


Mission Guatemala - Spring Break 2025

April 12-18
7th Grade & Up
The warehouse247 student ministry is going to Guatemala!

Interest Meeting: Wed, 12/4 at 5:30pm - upstairs in warehouse247

Trip Cost: $2050 (could be less)
12/18 — $200 Deposit Due  

More Info:


PCC 101

11:00 am—Today—Room 1

Connecting people into the life of our church. Come find out who we are; what we are about; and how YOU can be a part of it!




Nov 24th—9:30 & 11:00 Gatherings
If you are interested in Baptism, to register by Wednesday, 11/20, click: HERE


Right Now Media

Right Now Media is an extensive, faith-based video library you can access (completely FREE) whenever and wherever you want—on your phone, tablet, computer, or at home on your TV.

To sign up, click: HERE 


Clubhouse Kids Ministry

To view Clubhouse Resources which include: Worship Experiences (Bible Story), Godtime Cards, and Parent Guides: Click HERE


warehouse247 Student Ministry

Wednesday 5:30-7:45pm.  A Worship Gathering just for middle and high school students.  Cafe/Games/Worship/Teaching