Mary's Story
Pastor: Bryan Glisson Series: His Name Shall Be Scripture: Luke 1:26– 2:52
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His Name Shall Be...
...Jesus (Savior) - Mary’s Story
Luke 1:26-2:52, Other Passages
Introduction: Mary was a common Jewish girl who was humbled that God would bestow His favor upon her. However, Mary’s role, in God’s salvation for us through Jesus, has become a story of controversy and misunderstanding for many.
The Myths Surrounding Mary’s Story
The Perpetual Virgin (Mark 6:1-4) (Matthew 12:46-47)
The Sinless One (Romans 3:23)
The Mediatrix (Mediator) (1 Timothy 2:5)
The Co-Redemptrix (Co-Redeemer) (Acts 4:8-12)
The Queen of Heaven (Revelation 4-5)
Transition: Mary is not to be worshipped but honored.
The Humility Surrounding Mary’s Story (Luke)
Her Hometown (Luke 1:26)
Her Husband (Luke 1:27a)
Her Faithfulness (Luke 1:27b)
Her Meekness (Luke 1:28-33)
Her Submission (Luke 1:34-38)
Her Worship (Luke 1:46-55)
Her Humiliation (Luke 2:1-7)
Her Wonder
--the shepherd’s visit (Luke 2:8-20)
--the Temple presentation (Luke 2:21-24)
--the just man speaks (Luke 2:25-35)
--the prophetess speaks (Luke 2:36-38)
--the trip to Jerusalem at Age 12 (Luke 2:41-50)
--the childhood & maturing of Jesus (Luke 2:39-40; Luke 2:51-52)
Application: Mary demonstrated true humility by having an accurate view of herself in recognizing just how small she was and by having an accurate view of God in recognizing just how big He is. Bottomline, she saw that she had a small part to play in the big story of Jesus and His role as Savior
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International Mission Offering
The Month of December
2024 Goal: $25,000
Given so far: $6,650
To give to this offering, mark "IMB" on your offering envelope or click: HERE
Shelby Mission Camp
For more information from Baptists on Mission on how to get involved with the Helene Disaster Response and the Essential Rapid Repairs program please click: HERE
Year End Church Vote
Serving 2025-2027:
Robbie Alexander
Brandon Davis
Ben Fuller
Paul Hounshell
Thomas Spangler
Chairman—Ben Fuller
Vice Chair—Joey Strickland
Secretary—Robbie Alexander
Passed by 99.6%
Passed by 96.0%
Holiday Schedule
Wednesday 12/18:—Clubhouse Christmas Party, no other activities.
Sunday 12/22:—Gatherings at 9:30 & 11:00. No Youth or Adult Connect Groups. Clubhouse will operate on normal schedule.
Christmas Eve 12/24:—Gatherings at 3:00pm & 4:30pm, Childcare for 2 year olds & under.
Wednesday 12/25:—No Activities
Tuesday 12/24 & Wednesday 12/25: The Church Office will be closed. If you need a pastor during this time, please call the Crisis Line at 704-349-3000.
Sunday 12/29:—Gatherings at 9:30 & 11:00, Childcare for 2 year olds & under, no other activities.
Wednesday 1/1:—No Activities The Church Office will be closed. If you need a pastor during this time, please call the Crisis Line.
Grief Share
Saturdays—January 11-April 12
10:00am-12:00noon—Legacy Room
A safe, comforting place where you can talk with others about your grief. Led by Cathy Poe. Workbook Cost: $20
To register, click: HERE
PCC 101
11:00 am—Today—Room 1
Connecting people into the life of our church. Come find out who we are and how YOU can be a part of it!
Right Now Media
Right Now Media is an extensive, faith-based video library you can access (completely FREE) whenever and wherever you want—on your phone, tablet, computer, or at home on your TV.
To sign up, click: HERE
Clubhouse Kids Ministry
To view Clubhouse Resources which include: Worship Experiences (Bible Story), Godtime Cards, and Parent Guides: Click HERE
warehouse247 Student Ministry
Wednesday 5:30-7:45pm. A Worship Gathering just for middle and high school students. Cafe/Games/Worship/Teaching
other sermons in this series
Dec 24
Light From Heaven
Pastor: Bryan Glisson Scripture: 1 John 1:1–5 Series: His Name Shall Be
Dec 22
Child of Heaven
Pastor: Bryan Glisson Scripture: Revelation 12:1–11 Series: His Name Shall Be
Dec 8
Immanuel (God with us) - Joseph's Story
Pastor: Bryan Glisson Scripture: Matthew 1:18–25, Matthew 2:13–16, Luke 2:1–7, Luke 2:22–24, Luke 2:33–35 Series: His Name Shall Be