Welcome to Clubhouse Jr.! This is where we teach our Pre-K children three basic truths:

  1. God Made Me- Psalm 139:13-14
  2. God Loves Me- Romans 8:38-39
  3. Jesus Wants To Be My Friend Forever- John 3:16

Every element of Clubhouse Jr. centers on giving Pre-K kids a first impression of their loving Heavenly Father. Through age-appropriate activities, we are helping your little ones build their spiritual foundation. So when they graduate to Kindergarten they know these three basic truths.

Parent Resources

Resources for parents: We have put together resources to help parents have faith conversations with their children. This includes videos of our Bible lessons from Sundays and other resources. Follow the link below to get started!

Here at Clubhouse Jr., we desire to partner with you in your child’s journey of knowing Christ. We can do so much more together to enhance your child’s personal relationship with their Lord and Savior.

We love our kids here at Pleasant City Church and can’t wait to meet your family.


When is Clubhouse jr.?

Clubhouse Jr. meets during both gatherings on Sunday Mornings and on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:45p


Infants – up to two years

For our babies, we like to start early. We play simple songs and monthly activities to engage them through their purposeful play. For toddlers we add a Bible Story and craft every week.


Two years – PreK

Sundays: We understand that preschoolers are always on the move, which is why we give them both small-group and large-group experiences within the same hour. Upon arrival, your child will engage with a small group for a Bible Study introduction using activities and games. After the small group, they’ll move to our Jr. Club House large group for Worship and Bible Study. After intentional Worship and Bible Study, the kids go back to their small groups for snacks and refreshments.


Wednesdays: Since preschoolers thrive on repetition, we provide another opportunity to hear the week's Bible Study, lesson, and memory verse. Our goal is to keep your kids engaged! We intentionally have new activities and different leaders to create a fun-filled experience. Each month we emphasize a memory verse so that by the end of the month your child will have that verse tucked away in their hearts. 


Child Safety

It is important to us that the church is physically and emotionally safe, so background checks and training are issued for ALL children and student leaders.


What Curriculum do you use?

We use the First Look curriculum of the Orange strategy. More information about Orange


Children's Ministry Staff

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Corby Haneline

Children's Pastor

Email Corby
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Andie Light

Associate Children's Director

Email Andie
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Stephanie Hinson

PreK Director

Email Stephanie
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