We believe Reaching the World involves both ministry and mission. Ministry is using our gifts and resources to serve in the Body. As a Church Family with hundreds that attend weekly, we have many needs and it is essential for the health of our church for everyone to have a vibrant ministry in some area. We also believe each member should be involved in Missions. Whether you go or send, we all have an active role and responsibility in God's Global vision to reach the world.
WHAT is a Reach Group?
A Reach Group is an intentional and purpose-driven group within our church that is established for the purpose of serving the Kingdom of God in some form or fashion. These groups have ultimately one primary goal: to reach people with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Whether you are serving food, leading a connect group, playing basketball with students at the warehouse, changing diapers in Clubhouse Jr., going on Mission to Guatemala, or mixing the sound for one of our Gatherings: All Reach Groups serve one common purpose- Make disciples!
WHY a Reach Group?
Jesus clearly mandated that we are to "Go and make disciples". This is not a special calling for a few, but a command to all. We believe serving in the local Body of Christ is not optional for those who follow Jesus. We "get" the incredible opportunity and privilege to be the hands and feet of Christ. We realize that there are many needs within our church, our community, our country, and the world. Our Lord has commissioned each of us to reach out and serve.
WHERE do Reach Groups meet?
Our church has many various groups that meet and serve at many various times.