April 7, 2024

Religion to Relationship

Pastor: Bryan Glisson Series: Lives Transformed Scripture: John 3:1–21, John 7:45–52, John 19:38–42

We are so glad you joined us this morning. Below you will find everything you need to help assist you with information about our Worship Gathering as well as what's going on within our church throughout the week. We would love to hear from you! If you would like to connect with us, click HERE



“Religion to Relationship”
John 3:1-21; John 7:45-52; John 19:38-42

Introduction: The challenge for most people is to move from a system of religion and rituals into a relationship with God who loves them.

The Problem: There are many, who consider themselves religious, who are frustrated, legalistic and have no joy or hope of eternal life in Heaven.

The Goal: God desires to transform them from someone who is religious to one who has a fulfilling relationship with Him.

The Definitions: Religion is man’s effort to reach God; Christianity is God’s effort to reach man.

Nicodemus’ Journey from Religion to Relationship:

He Meets Jesus 
The Curiosity of Nicodemus (John 3:1-2)
The Example from Jesus (John 3:3)
The Confusion of Nicodemus (John 3:4)
The Explanation from Jesus (John 3:5-8)
The Contemplation of Nicodemus (John 3:9)
The Education of Nicodemus (John 3:10-21)

He Defends Jesus (John 7:45-52)

He Identifies with Jesus (John 19:38-42)

Conclusion: Transformation from Religion to Relationship:

Jesus gives us salvation through His Death, Burial and Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:1-4)

Jesus frees us from the bondage of sin (Romans 6:5-7)

Jesus gives us the privilege to come before God (Hebrews 10:19-22)

Jesus gives us the privilege to become Children of God (Romans 8:14-17)



To Give Online: Click HERE



North American Mission Offering

Through the End of April

“Make Jesus Known in North America”

2024 Goal:   $10,000

To give, click: HERE


I'm A Christian Now Class

Begins: April 14

A 5-week class for kids 1st - 5th grade who have made a profession of faith.  We recommend your child complete this class before baptism.  Parents are asked to
attend the first class with their child. 

To Register, click: HERE


New Connect Group

Sundays—4-5:30pm—Starts April 14
Off Campus

“The Table”- Come gather with other women as we discuss what the Bible says about food and body image. Find the truth and freedom found in God and His Word. I saved you a seat!  Led by Morgan Fender

Cost: $5 for Book

To Register, click: HERE


Parent & Child Dedication

Child Dedication Class: 11am April 28

Child Dedication May 5 in both Gatherings

To Register by 4/21. click: HERE


New Members

David Austin
Kathy Austin
Tammy Beam
Aiden Campbell
Briley Daily
Jett Darnell
Jonathan Darnell
Josie Darnell
Lindsey Darnell
Liza Dellinger
Jake Greene
Brett Harris
Ruth Harris
Jackson Hillegass
Austin Jones
Ryan McCarthy
Michael McSwain
Gary Mode
Gracie Mode
Toni Mode
Josh Money
Lacey Money
Brittany Ramirez
Austin Ramirez


Great Date

5:00-8:30 pm - April 13

An intentional date experience with your spouse! Our church believes in marriage date nights so much that we offer free childcare and talking points with fun and directional questions!

To Register by 4/10 click: HERE


Secret Church

7 pm April 19—1am April 20

Encouraged by our persecuted brothers’ and sisters’ example, we will meet for nearly 6 hours for intense study of God’s Word and passionate prayer for the persecuted. Taught by David Platt.

Cost: $8  (Includes  Scripture Journal)

To sign up, click: HERE


VBS: "Start the Party"

July 14-18—9:00am-12:30pm

This week will undoubtedly be your child’s favorite and most impactful week of summer! Registration is open for kids and volunteers!

Cost: Free

To Register, click: HERE


Right Now Media

Right Now Media is an extensive, faith-based video library you can access (completely FREE) whenever and wherever you want—on your phone, tablet, computer, or at home on your TV.

To sign up, click: HERE 


Clubhouse Kids Ministry

To view Clubhouse Resources which include: Worship Experiences (Bible Story), Godtime Cards, and Parent Guides: Click HERE


warehouse247 Student Ministry

Wednesday 5:30-7:45pm.  A Worship Gathering just for middle and high school students.  Cafe/Games/Worship/Teaching

other sermons in this series

Apr 21


Antagonist to Evangelist

Pastor: Bryan Glisson Scripture: Acts 22:1–5, Acts 9:1–22 Series: Lives Transformed

Apr 14


Called, Restored, Empowered

Pastor: Bryan Glisson Scripture: Acts 2:14–41, 1 Peter 5:5–11 Series: Lives Transformed