Fear Factor
Pastor: Jonathan Glisson Series: Game Changer Scripture: Matthew 6:25–34
Introduction: The most common and everyday fear we face is Worry. What we choose to do with this common fear of worry drastically affects our attitude and outlook on life and will affect generations to come.
Common Fear
- Our Fear Corresponds to Our Devotion (Matthew 6:25a, Matthew 6:19-24)
- Our Fear Cartoons Our Future (Matthew 6:25b)
Analysis Paralysis: making Fear Larger than Circumstances
Scenario Sickness: guessing the Unlikely
- Our Fear Clouds our Perspective (Matthew 6:25c)
- RESULTS of Common Fear (Worry)
Our Fear Crushes our Contentment
3 Reasons we can be Content:
1. God Owns Everything (Matthew 6:26)
2. God Controls Everything (Matthew 6:27, Job 14:1-5)
3. God Provides Everything (Matthew 6:28-30, Philippians 4:19)
Our Fear Crumbles our Faith (Matthew 6:30b-32a)
Uncommon Faith
- Our Faith Refocuses our Perspective (Matthew 6:32b)
- Our Faith Redirects our Devotion (vs.33)
Heavenly Expectation- “Am I reproducing God’s Mission?”
Holy Existence- “Am I replicating God’s Morality?”
- Our Faith Redefines our Future (Matthew 6:34)
Game Changer: God is calling us to shift out of the Common Fear of Worry into an Uncommon Faith in Jesus Christ. The Result is a Life filled with Contentment and Joy.
other sermons in this series
Oct 13
Family Feud
Pastor: Bryan Glisson Scripture: Colossians 3:8–14, Colossians 3:18–21 Series: Game Changer
Oct 6
Truth or Consequences
Pastor: Bryan Glisson Scripture: Revelation 20:11–15 Series: Game Changer
Sep 22
Wheel Of Fortune
Pastor: Bryan Glisson Series: Game Changer